Monthly Meeting Tuesday February 4, 2025 7:00 PM


FCSCC will hold the February monthly meeting on Tuesday February 4, 2025 at 7:00 PM. The Meeting will be at Joey C’s Boathouse 955 Ferry Blvd Stratford, CT. Soft drinks and appetizers provided by FCSCC.

Please attend to discuss next season, planning of Rookie School and learn about our recently purchased timing van.

A work party to prepare the new van is scheduled for Saturday February 8, 2025 at 304 Seaview Ave Bridgeport, CT. First project is to remove the existing wrap, heat guns required!

All club members and prospective new members are welcome.

If you unable to attend in person, here is the dial in info for the meeting

We use GOTO meeting and below are the details


Dial in info to join by phone

Dial phone number Long distance +1 (571) 317-3122
Enter Access Code 386 270 781#
Enter Audio PIN 589

Westchester Sports Car Club Bunny Run Road Rally

Saturday, April 27, 2024

THE RALLY: will be a low-pressure, timed drive on public roads starting and ending in Westchester County.  Drivers and navigators will be asked to precisely follow directions given right before the start.  Entrants should have a light for reading route instructions, a watch, and something to write on such as a clipboard. No auxiliary lights above headlight level will be needed or allowed.  (Note that NYS law prohibits such lights.)  No hand- held spotlights, please.  No alcoholic beverages allowed before or during the rally.  More than two people in a car will be penalized and no driver-only cars will be allowed.  This is not a race; cars completing the course too early will be penalized.

THE EVENT: will start from Grand Prix New York parking lot, 333 North Bedford Road (Rt. 117), Mt. Kisco, NY and end at O’Connor’s Public House at 222A Main St., Mt. Kisco, NY.

REGISTRATION: opens at 5:00 PM and continues to 6:30 PM. There will be a drivers’ meeting at approximately 6:30 PM. Cars will be sent off at 7:00 + the car number in minutes (i.e. Car 35 leaves at 7:00 + 35 minutes or 7:35). Entry fee is $20.00 ($15.00 for WSCC members) per car.

TROPHIES: awarded to top finishers. (To qualify for an award, a team must finish.) A WSCC Credit Certificate (good for free entry at any WSCC event) may be chosen in place of a traditional trophy. Dash Plaques will be given to all entrants. 

For more information call: 917-561-2906

or go to: WWW.WSCC.ORG

March Monthly Meeting Tuesday March 12, 2024 7PM

FCSCC monthly meeting will be on Tuesday March 12, 2024 at 7PM.

This months meeting will be held On-Line only  

All club members are welcome  

Here is the dial in info for the meeting

We use GOTO meeting and below are the details


Dial in info to join by phone

Dial phone number Long distance +1 (571) 317-3122
Enter Access Code 386 270 781#
Enter Audio PIN 589

Hope to talk to you then and see you at one of our events.